Page 9 - Indies Roundtable 2nd Anniversary Edition
P. 9
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been about any missing persons report
trying to tell you for the last Mrs. Baldwin, I only know I was
ten minutes, why’s that so asked to speak to all the children

hard for you to understand?” who were at the museum today.
Gladys Baldwin asked, fussing If and when Terry returns, would
with the belt on her floral you be so good as to let us know,
dressing gown and glaring at thank you.” And with that, Dixon

PC Frank Dixon, as if the tucked his notebook into his
whole thing was his fault pocket and made his way down
personally, “The last time the dingy hallway to the front
anyone remembers seeing him door, only stopping in the
was at the science museum. doorway to ask one final

One of his friends said they question, almost an afterthought
saw him in the science fiction really.
exhibition, but they don’t
remember him getting back on “Does Terry have any special
interests or hobbies?
the couch.”
This drew Frank’s attention Archaeology, collecting old
bones, that sort of thing?”
straight away, “The Wells
exhibit? That’s interesting, “He’s always been very bright,
a clever boy is my Terry” she
that’s why I’m here, we had a
report from the museum that looked smug, “Didn’t get it from
the exhibit has been tampered his dad’s side, that’s for sure, Ha!
with and we’re talking to all He’s always loved dinosaurs and
the kids who were on the visit stuff, yeah. Why’d you ask?”

today.” Dixon paused, thinking,
She looked shocked, taken
“Hmm, nothing, just a thought.
aback, We’ll let you know if we hear
“What do you mean? I anything, good evening madam.”

thought you were here about Bound to turn up sooner or
my son. I rang the station as
soon as I discovered him later, Frank thought, probably
missing. And now what are boasting to his mates about it
right now.
you trying to say? You think
my Terry pinched something, Still, getting it inside the
broke something? Terry’s a
good boy, he wouldn’t do sealed case like that, he had to
nothing like that.” admit, it was bloody clever…

“I don’t know anything '
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