Page 11 - Indies Roundtable 2nd Anniversary Edition
P. 11
l disbelief, obviously ready to The most popular theory is that
refute whatever explanation was he eventually got free, wherever
offered for the allegedly unsolved and whenever he ended up, at the

mystery of Terry Baldwin’s cost of losing his finger, then the
disappearance. machine returned to its starting
position, here and now. Or rather
“As far as we know, he didn’t. here and then, but you know what
Not then anyway, not in 1986,”
I mean, right?” The guide
said the guide, noting with some laughed, they were all having to
satisfaction the look of confusion get used to a lot of new grammar
on the kid’s face, “in fact, we that came with time travel, he still
have no real way of knowing hadn’t quite got his head around
exactly where or when Terry
Baldwin ended up. All we do But if old man Wells had
know, or can at least safely
assume, is that Terry managed to build that, he looked
inadvertently managed to up once more at the gleaming,

activate Wells’ machine, silent machine, he guessed he
somehow trapping his finger in could make the effort and learn a
the controls.” few new tenses.

The tourists craned their necks “Anyway ladies and gentlemen,

to peer up at the complex series if you follow me, we’ll move onto
of control rods that bristled from the Mars colony exhibit…”
what appeared to be the
machine’s dashboard and, only
visible if you knew what to look

for, the narrow white bone from
a child’s finger could be seen,
firmly wedged between two

“How do we know it’s his?”
asked his teenage inquisitor in a
sneering tone.

“That’s one thing we can
definitely confirm, the digit was

tissue-typed and DNA tested
against material obtained from
his family home, it was a 100%
match for Terry Baldwin. As for

the rest of Terry, nobody ever
saw him again.
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