Page 6 - IUPH Youth Book Catalog
P. 6
Ceiling Fan

Book One

Author: Ron Kinscherf
Genre: Children’s Storybook
Series: Papa Tell Me a Story
Number of Pages: 25
Word Count: 1000

Grandpa is challenged with making up a nap time story
for his grandson about… a ceiling fan.

Grandparents live by a few rules. For example, spoil the
grandchildren just enough to not get in trouble with the parents.
Also, you CANNOT disappoint your grandchildren. So, imagine
putting a young one down for a nap and he or she asks you to make
up a story about the most obscure topic. Then he or she lovingly
looks in your eyes with the highest expectation. Ceiling Fan tells
such a story. Papa MUST come up with a story about … a ceiling
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